Gambling Match Kshatriya or Administrative Class

Digest 00023B: A Kshatriya Cannot Refuse When Challenged in a Competition

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: Who was Yudhisthira in his previous birth? I am trying to reconcile why he had gambling tendencies?

Answer by Romapada Swami: Yudhisthira Maharaja is an eternal associate of the Supreme Lord, and a pure devotee. His participation in the gambling match was not based on any tendency for material sense-gratification on his part; rather, Mahabharata describes how, after deep consideration and being bound by religious obligations, he unwillingly agreed to the proposal for gambling. According to ksatriya codes, a ksatriya cannot refuse when challenged in a competition, for a battle or a game of dice. Besides, Yudhisthira Maharaja was personally invited by the elderly king Dhritarashtra, for ‘a friendly match’ and he could not refuse the King and was duty bound to comply with the invitation. On these grounds he agreed, although he was deeply unhappy to do so.

About the author

Romapada Swami