Cultivating Divine Qualities Mood of Chanting Pleasing Krishna Vandanam or Praying

Digest 00076A: Need for extra endeavor in developing Vaishnava qualities?

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: I’m confused about the relationship between acquiring mode of goodness qualities, manifesting Vaisnava qualities, making endeavors, and chanting. For example, there seems to be a Catch-22 relationship between chanting and acquiring mode of goodness qualities.  I thought that attentive chanting would magically endow me with those qualities, yet we’re supposed to endeavor to acquire these qualities so that we can chant more. If we acquire these qualities as a result of Krsna reciprocating with our endeavors to attain those qualities, then what role does chanting play in our progressing to the mode of goodness?  A similar confusion exists for me concerning exhibiting Vaisnava qualities.  Since the holy names are supposed to automatically bring about these qualities, why do we have to make an extra endeavor to exhibit these qualities in our dealings with other people?

Answer by Romapada Swami: While chanting very prayerfully, one’s motivation and intensity of desire to please Krishna increases. One of the specific ways in which our desire to please Krishna intensifies is to desire to present ourselves before Krishna with finer qualities, and fewer faults, flaws, shortcomings, etc. With this purpose in mind, we naturally begin to endeavor to obtain these better qualities, motivated NOT by something material hankering (for respect, acceptance by others, praise, gaining a sense of self-accomplishment, etc), but ONLY to increase the happiness Krishna receives when we come before Him to offer Him our services. Only by His bestowing His mercy, however, not by our efforts alone, the desirable good qualities develop to enhance the pleasure of Krishna. Thus, one is not chanting while separately in pursuit good qualities. In fact, everything comes from chanting!

About the author

Romapada Swami