Existence of God

Digest 00117B: God is not a man-made concept

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: Part 2: I got a feeling that God is a concept which people use to find comfort during their difficult times. I would really appreciate if you could answer some of these questions.

Answer by Romapada Swami:

God is not a man-made concept nor is His spiritual abode mentioned above an imagined realm of perfection or a fantasy to make us feel good in the midst of a meaningless and insecure life. God’s existence can be inferred logically – even by the very precise way everything is coordinated from the gigantic universe to the intricate living cell; such intelligent design points to a designer. Furthermore, His Personality can be verified through scriptures and through scores of testimonies of honest and saintly persons who have tangibly experienced not only His existence but His personal reciprocation in their lives as well.

If there is a God, it does not help to attempt to put Him out of existence simply on the grounds that we don’t understand some of His actions. How to understand His actions is also discussed exhaustively in the scriptures, a glimpse of which we discussed above. Finally, the ultimate test is that He can be personally known and experienced by each one of us if we take the time to do so by bona fide processes.

About the author

Romapada Swami