Transmigration of the Soul

Digest 00156A: Bringing Life to a Dead Body?

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: Srila Prabhupada said scientists cannot create life or bring life in to dead body. But in ancient ages “Sanjevani Vidya” was used to bring life back in dead bodies. It is also a material science, so in future scientists may rediscover “Sanjevani Vidya” and can bring life from dead.

Answer by Romapada Swami: Sanjivani-vidya is a technique to bring the soul back to the body. This is clearly seen in the 6th Canto narration of Narada’s revival of the dead son of King Citraketu. Srila Prabhupada’s basic point is that scientists cannot make a dead body live by MATERIAL means. The sanjivani vidya requires knowledge of the soul (the existence of which the scientific community largely totally rejects), as well as far more subtle sciences than modern science will be able to access due to the lack of purity and sattva-guna.

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Romapada Swami