Extreme Behavior of the Lord

Digest 00282: Lord Balarama / Romaharsana Rsi

Written by Romapada Swami

Question : A question arose regarding Lord Balarama’s cutting off the head of Romaharsana Rsi for not rising when He entered the arena. In today’s world, or even compared to general Vedic dealings as described in scripture that seems a rather extraordinary punishment.
What are some of the reasons for this?

Answer by Romapada Swami :

Balarama killed him by piercing his body with a blade of kusa grass; Balarama did not cut of his head.
Yes, it was an extreme act.
Note also that you cannot ordinarily kill someone by touching their body with the tip of a blade of grass. Correct?
Balarama gave His reason: The speaker of the Srimad Bhagavatam should be decorated with the quality of humility and of formal acknowledgement of the Supreme Lord, otherwise whatever he may speak is reprehensible and will be contaminated — while Srimad Bhagavatam  is *not* contaminated. Henceforward, for all time, Balarama demonstrated with ‘radical’ exhibition, the necessity of humility and proper etiquette, including properly honoring of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the Subject of the Srimad Bhagavatam, for any future speaker of the Srimad Bhagavatam .
This act was extreme like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s banning Chota Haridasa for acting outside of the conduct of a sannyasi — namely, talking longer than absolutely necessary with a woman, when gathering vegetables for Mahaprabhu’s meal: extreme! Why? To teach a lesson: a sannyasi must be VERY strict! “After this incident, even in their *dreams* the devotees would not associate unnecessarily with a woman!”
Same with the incident with the secretary of Advaita Acarya, named Kamalakanta Visvasa. The devotees would not THINK of accepting money from a materialist after that!
Same with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s chastising His own mother with a raised hand, for criticizing Advaita Acarya. “NEVER criticize a vaisnava!!”
Indelible lessons are sometimes imparted by the Lord via such extreme behaviors.

Question: 2. A question also arose regarding the example it sets as to how one should deal with impoliteness or rudeness of others.
Tolerate. Rise above illusion and duality. Become fixed in transcendental knowledge and devotion to Krishna.

About the author

Romapada Swami