Instructions from Guru Time for Chanting

Digest 00398: Not Being Selective in Following Instructions

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: I do 5 rounds everyday but sometimes I don’t have time to do my rounds or I am just being lazy. Regarding my question, sometimes I am selective to follow instructions given by you how do I avoid being selective? I would like to practice not being selective in following my spiritual master’s instructions.

Answer by Romapada Swami: Chanting is the most important of all of our activities in Krishna consciousness and it is very important that we maintain a regular practice of chanting our rounds everyday.

The instructions we receive are meant to be followed and implemented in our life. Within any instruction is the capacity to carry out the instruction and if you take shelter of it properly, it can carry you beyond your limitations. Sometimes, we may not be able to follow a particular instruction immediately and perfectly. It is ok to take small steps toward the goal. However, being selective or neglecting portions of an instruction out of convenience is not healthy. And from a self-honest platform, one must take guidance on how to execute it. NOT neglecting the instruction, but always keeping the instruction in the forefront of one’s consciousness and depending on the Lord for the strength needed to execute the instruction, one can implement the instruction to the best of one’s ability.

Let’s take the example of Dhritarastra who was very selective in hearing and applying instructions from his wise brother Vidura. Dhritarastra had filters while hearing and heard what he wanted to hear. Vidura gave him so much good advice, but Dhritarastra neglected them because of his attachment to his son, power and position. He was just not able to correct his own son Duryodhana from doing evil acts although he received so many instructions on this matter.

Bali Maharaja on the other hand is an example of someone who followed the instruction of Vamanadeva in full, on the strength of his loving relationship with the Supreme Lord. Bali Maharaja even took the great risk of transgressing the order of his so-called pseudo spiritual master and being cursed by him for the sake of following the instructions of his beloved Lord.

So, when you feel you are being selective in following instructions, you could ask, “Why am I being selective?” or “Why am I not able to follow this particular instruction?” And, with a proper inquisitive spirit and dependence on the mercy of the Lord, we can become more aware of our deep-rooted attachments that block us in following the instructions. As long as we are self-honest and willing to accept guidance, there is hope. In order to practice not being selective, you can try these simple steps:

1. Meditate on the lives of great personalities who followed the instructions given to them as their life and soul – e.g. Srila Prabhupada!

2. Remembering and acting in the relationship with the person from whom we are receiving the instructions.

3. Take guidance on addressing the blocks/challenges in applying the instruction.

In essence, every instruction is for application, in practical terms. Implementation of an instruction may be problematic, and it may require relinquishing of attachments and patterns of behavior, etc. But, they are our life and soul and we must strive to implement or follow them with faith and gratitude, and if needed, seek support and guidance. And, thus if we stay in line with the instructions of the spiritual master, we are spiritually protected.

About the author

Romapada Swami