Pastimes of Lord Krishna

Digest 00713: When did Maitreya Rsi directly hear from Krishna?

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: When did Maitreya Rsi directly hear from Krishna? Was it during the Uddhava Gita, or some other time?

Answer by Romapada Swami:

Maitreya Rsi heard directly from Krishna during His 2nd meeting with Uddhava, immediately before Krishna’s departure, not during the Lord’s speaking Uddhava Gita in Dvaraka.
Chronology of events –
Krishna spoke Uddhava Gita to Uddhava in Dvaraka (Starts @ Canto 11 Chapter 6)
Then Krishna instructed Uddhava to go to Badarikasrama (Canto 11, Chapter 29)
Prabhasa lila happens next (Canto 11, Chapter 30)
Enroute to Badarikasrama, Uddhava comes back to meet Lord Krishna (after the Prabhasa lila), because it was impossible for him to bear the separation. Uddhava meets Lord Krishna on the bank of river Sarasvati, beneath a young banyan tree. During this meeting, Maitreya Rsi is also present and hears transcendental knowledge directly from Krishna. (Canto 3, Chapter 4)
Uddhava leaves Krishna’s side and goes to Vrindavan, during his resumed travels to Badarikasrama (SB 3.4.20). At the same time, Maitreya Rsi also departs.
Lord Balarama departs the world, then Krishna also leaves (Canto 11, Chapter 30)
Simultaneous with Uddhava’s travels:
While on pilgrimage, Vidura visits Prabhasa (SB 3.1.20-21)
After Prabhasa, he meets Uddhava in Vrndavan on the bank of the Yamuna (SB 3.1.24)
After Vidura’s exchange with Uddhava (SB 3.4.26-27), he travels to meet Maitreya Rsi

About the author

Romapada Swami