Question: What is the make up of the body of Lord Brahma
Answer by Romapada Swami:
Brahma’s body is “Sukshma sharira” (a subtle body) mainly made of mind, intelligence and ego along with sensory capacity for prolonged enjoyment.
śarīraṁ trividhaṁ prāhur
bhautikaṁ ca mano-mayam
paraṁ jïäna-mayaṁ nityaṁ
yad anāśi nirantaram
Translation: The bodies of the devatās are of three factors — (1) Made of elements, which gives them their senses; (2) Made of Mind; (3) Made of higher knowledge. These bodies are non-destructible (due to drinking nectar).
— (Gandharva-tantra 5.39)