Question: Sometimes the strength of one’s attachments surprises us. How can we accurately measure the strength of our own attachments so we can properly respond to situations that test them?
Answer by Romapada Swami:
The strength of one’s attachments can be measured by two litmus test factors. According to Bhaktivinoda Thakur, those two factors are detachment from objects of the senses being viewed in an enjoying spirit, and one’s attraction for hearing topics of Vasudeva Krishna.
To the degree that attachments are very strong, kama, the former will also be strong, and the latter will be weak.
Question: In SB Canto 3 Chapter 25, Devahuti spoke from a place where she was ready to hear and understand transcendental truths to overcome her attachments. Even though we are involved in the bhakti process, we are not always ready to acknowledge the need to move beyond our attachments. How do we hear transcendental truths in those trying times when we are not ready to remember them?
Answer by Romapada Swami:
The answer to this question is similar to the entire theme of Chapter 25, Canto 3. Sadhu sanga is the essential instrument, or factor, which provides us strength beyond our own strength.
If you are practiced to seek sadhu sanga in times of strength, naturally you’ll seek sadhu sanga in times of weakness.
Over time, you will also become strong as a result of the qualitative and devotional nature of the sadhu sanga that you maintain.