Cultivating Loving Relationships

Digest 00790: Could you please advise some guidelines when dealing with equals or peer devotees?

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: It is very easy to respect seniors and deal with Juniors; in a way, most of the problems come when dealing with equals or peer devotees. Could you please advise some guidelines or principles so that I can start somewhere?

Answer by Romapada Swami:

Srila Prabhupada has established in ISKCON a culture of relationships, and also has given guidelines as to how to interact with one another in a very loving and conducive way which will help to nourish and nurture our Krsna consciousness.

In SB 11.3.30 three important things are mentioned on how to develop loving lasting relationship with equals or peers practicing Krsna consciousness:

1. Devotees should engage in doing kirtan together. Glorifying the Lord together is very purifying, and it unites the devotees with a mood to serve Srila Prabhupada and Krsna — putting aside any differences.

2. Quality hearing and discussing Krsna Katha amongst peers.

3. Doing services together. Most of the times conflicts and misunderstandings arise between devotees when rendering services together. Difference of opinions and egoistic attitude create this disunity when pleasing Krsna together is not the main and the only goal.

There are many examples in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta about the loving exchanges among devotees.

Thus, by treating one another with respect and love and by maintaining the mood of pleasing Guru and Krsna, one should interact with equals.

About the author

Romapada Swami