Krishna - The Cause of All Causes

Digest 00807: What is the meaning of “Om Tat Sat” indicated in Bhagavad Gita 17.23 purport?

Romapada_Swami_Understanding how and why God becomes many
Written by Romapada Swami

Question: BG 17.23 mentions Om Tat Sat. It says in the purport “These three words are taken from Vedic hymns. Om Indicates the first goal. Then Tat indicates the second goal. And Sat indicates the third goal. What are the first, second, and third goals?

Answer by Romapada Swami:

The first goal, indicated by “om” (sat) is Brahman
The second goal, indicated by om tat (sat cit) is Paramatma
The third goal, Om tat sat (sat cit ananda) is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

About the author

Romapada Swami