Laws of Karma Vandanam or Praying

Digest 00812: How effective are the prayers offered given that we are pre-ordained by our karmic reaction?

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: Every one of us are pre-ordained by our karmic reaction. As such, when we go through our life and we go through some difficulties, and someone is praying for us for our better life, how does that prayer have any effect on our life if our life is already predetermined by the karmic reactions? For example, if someone is going to a health condition, and we are requesting everybody else to pray for this person, how do the prayers help when this person’s life is already predetermined by his previous karmic reactions? Is the effect, if any, different for one who is a devotee and non-devotee?

At every step, freewill has a bearing upon one’s destiny. The range of choices in various situations of life, including marriage, is defined by Karma – both past and present (i.e. actions and choices made in past and present life), and yet there is scope for redefining those choices by our present actions.

Answer by Rompada Swami:

The material circumstances of a person, their future, their general disposition etc., are all predestined according to one’s guna and karma. Depending on our action, we get appropriate rewards (or punishments), but we must always remember that there is a Supreme Person Who awards the results. And that person is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is independent and is not bound to give us the results. He can mitigate or even relieve us altogether of the reactions to our past deeds. He is not bound by any laws because He is the lawmaker. He can choose to give a different result, or He can absolve us of all past reactions completely. Therefore, we are dependent on His mercy.

Krsna also encourages us to approach Him in all circumstances: SB 2.3.10

The intention behind prayer is also very important. One may pray to Krsna to remove some obstacles to one’s sense enjoyment. That kind of prayer is material.

But when one prays to Krsna to remove obstacles which are causing interruptions in one’s service to Him, then such prayer is considered spiritual.

Devotional prayer is, ultimately, resting upon someone’s spiritual wellbeing or protection. They understand that Krsna has a plan for the concerned devotee who is undergoing some pain. And they have faith and confidence in Krsna’s protection.

Please refer to the verse and purport to Lord Brahma prayers in SB 10.14.8

About the author

Romapada Swami