Goloka Vrindavan

Digest 00830: Does Krishna manifest His infant form in Goloka?

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: Krsna eternally performs all other earthly pastimes in the spiritual world except those pastimes of killing the demons. Is this correct?  If so, then it means that, in Goloka, Krsna also manifests His forms as an infant, child, youth, etc.

Answer by Romapada Swami:

“In the spiritual sky there is no birth, so where is the question of baby? Krishna is there eternally as Kisora, a 16-year-old youth. His childhood pastimes are exhibited in the material universes. Best thing is if you chant Hare Krishna and go to Krishna Loka and find out the answers to all these questions yourself.” – letter to Ekayani London 31 August 1971

There is no balya form manifest in Goloka. The same rasa flavor of vatsalya is experienced by Nanda and Yasoda in Goloka, but Krsna and Balarama do not manifest Their baby and childhood forms in Goloka, which are eternally demonstrated in bhauma-lila.

About the author

Romapada Swami