Pastimes of Lord Krishna

Digest 00832: How was it possible for Nanda to have a conversation with Vasudeva who was in prison?

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: If Vasudeva was in prison, how was it possible for Nanda to have a conversation with Vasudeva, hearing from him advice regarding protecting Nanda’s child from impending danger?

Answer by Romapada Swami: 

According to the following chronology, when Nanda Mahārāja came to pay taxes to Kaṁsa, he was not in prison.

Vasudeva and Devakī were imprisoned by Kamsa twice.

First was during the birth of Kṛṣṇa [Kṛṣṇa Book Chapter 4].

Kṛṣṇa’s sister, Durgādevi, informed Kaṁsa that the child who would kill him had already taken birth somewhere else. Hearing this, Kaṁsa became pitiful on Vasudeva and Devaki and Kaṁsa immediately released his brother-in-law and sister. He personally unlocked the iron shackles and very sympathetically showed friendship for his family members.

During this interval, Nanda Mahārāja came to pay taxes to Kaṁsa.

The second time was when Kaṁsa was informed by Nārada Muni that Vasudeva had safely transferred Kṛṣṇa to Vrndavan for His protection [Kṛṣṇa Book Chapter 36].

As soon as Kaṁsa got this information from Nārada Muni, he took out his sharp sword and prepared to kill Vasudeva for his duplicity. But Nārada pacified him. “You are not to be killed by Vasudeva,” he said. “Why are you so anxious to kill him? Better try to kill Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma.” But in order to satisfy his wrath, Kaṁsa arrested Vasudeva and his wife and shackled them in iron chains.

After killing Kaṁsa, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma immediately released Their father and mother, Vasudeva and Devakī, who had been imprisoned by Kaṁsa. [Krishna Book Chapter 44]

About the author

Romapada Swami