Mood of Chanting Opening the Heart Patience Power of Shelter

Digest 00269: Developing Relationship with Spiritual Master

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: If one is trying from some time to develop relationship with guru by following the process according to his sincerity, still that doesn’t happen, or gratitude doesn’t come. On contrary, he even struggles to stay awake in chanting. And due to this he feels hopeless and goalless (due to his fruitive mentality), then what should he do? Is there some hope for him? (I’m asking for myself.)

Answer by Romapada Swami:

Here are 3 thoughts to share with you:

1) Be patient, continue with the best intelligence that Krishna provides you, and pray.

2) Be attentive to see if Krishna sends your way SOMEONE who you feel you can connect well with (a guide, a dear friend, a siksa guru even) whose mood and message resonates well with your guru’s mood and message. Take shelter in such a relationship, with the hope that such an exchange might increase your sense of connection with your guru.

3) Strive to improve the quality of *feeling* in your chanting. This opens the heart, and may awaken the feelings for your guru which you would really like to be in touch with.

About the author

Romapada Swami