Opening the Heart

Digest 00318: Submission

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: I have a question about submission.

What can a person do if he feels that his question might be a stupid question and one feels that expectation on the other side might be that “You should already know more about it based on your age, experience, etc.?” I sometimes feel this and hence do not correspond or communicate and struggle a lot.

Please help me.

Answer by Romapada Swami:

My advice to you is to not judge yourself (like “I should know the answer to this level of question! I am stupid, slow, bad…etc”)

Nor should you feel that those who are the shelter-giving devotees who you may approach to deepen your understanding will judge you.

Select those who will never judge you as persons who you seek guidance from. Those who you open your heart to should have that quality.

About the author

Romapada Swami