Rules and Regulations of Sadhana Bhakti

Digest 00659: Brahma Muhurta

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: When does Brahma Muhurta begin and end, relative to the local time for sunrise?

Answer by Romapada Swami:

One Muhurta is a time period of 48 minutes.

Brahma Muhurta starts 2 muhurtas (96 minutes) before sunrise and lasts for 48 minutes in that 96 minute period.

Siva Muhurta is the name of the final 48 minutes, just prior to sunrise.

For example: if the sun rises at 6:00 am, brahma muhurta starts 96 minutes before 6:00 (at 4:24 am) and lasts for one muhurta (48 minutes) until 5:12 am — ending 48 minutes before sunrise.

About the author

Romapada Swami