Offenses Against the Holy Name

Digest 00808: What caused Bharata Maharaja to fall down from bhava-bhakti ?

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: How was it possible for Bharata Mahäräja, who had attained the stage of bhäva-bhakti, to fall from that position? 

Answer by Romapada Swami:

The cause of Bharata Mahäräja’s fall from the stage of bhäva-bhakti was due to an unspecified offense from his previous life.

Bhakti Sandarbha – Anuccheda 157

1          An example of the obstacles that make one fall away from faith in the Lord is given in the following words (Srimad Bhagavatam 5.8.26):

2          “My dear King, in this way Bharata Maharaja was overwhelmed by an uncontrollable desire which was manifest in the form of the deer. Due to the fruitive results of his past deeds, he fell down from mystic yoga, austerity and worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If it were not due to his past fruitive activity, how could he have been attracted to the deer after giving up the association of his own son and family, considering them stumbling blocks on the path of spiritual life? How could he show uncontrollable affection for a deer? This was definitely due to his past karma. The King was so engrossed in petting and maintaining the deer that he fell down from his spiritual activities. In due course of time, insurmountable death, which is compared to a venomous snake that enters the hole created by a mouse, situated itself before him.”*

3          The word “sah” (he) refers to King Bharata. Ordinary fruitive activities are not strong enough to create such an impediment in the path of devotional service. Therefore the fruitive activities mentioned here must have been offenses performed in a previous birth. In this way King Bharata is like King Indradyumna and other devotees that committed offenses. This verse was spoken by Srila Sukadeva Gosvami.


About the author

Romapada Swami