Cultivating Loving Relationships Fear Opening the Heart Respecting Devotees

Digest 00419: Introverted

Written by Romapada Swami

Question: I’m interested to know what if by nature or past impressions I’m a loner,  always avoiding people/devotees, less expressive or completely seeming introvert, how can I overcome this nature because a part of me wants to be spontaneous or break open but other part holds me back? I fear that due to  exhibiting such nature I may be failing to establish good association/relation as I feel loosely connected to others!

Answer by Romapada Swami:

I have two very simple recommendations for you.

One is to find JUST ONE PERSON with whom you can openly express yourself, and invest in that relationship.

Also, consider going regularly on book distribution with devotees who relish book distribution. You will find an initial ’causeless unwillingness’ to approach people, but after continuing to meet people one after another, simply as a service inspired by assisting our Founder-acarya in giving his teachings and his association to others, personal social inhibitions will diminish.

About the author

Romapada Swami